Configuration ============= To configure flinck, you create a file called ``config.yaml``. The location of the file depend on your platform: - on Unix-like OSes, write ``~/.config/flinck/config.yaml`` - on Windows, use ``%APPDATA%\flinck\config.yaml``. This is usually in a directory like C:\Users\You\AppData\Roaming. - on OS X, you can use either the Unix location or ``~/Library/Application Support/flinck/config.yaml`` The config file uses YAML syntax, most configuration options are simple key/value pairs. Global options -------------- link_root_dir ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Where the folders tree containing the symlinks will be created. This directory must exist beforehand. file_extensions ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Files extensions of movies to symlink. Default: ``['avi', 'm4v', 'mkv', 'mp4']`` file_min_size_mb ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Files smaller than that threshold are ignored. Default: ``20`` google_api_key ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A key of 39 alphanumeric characters long to enable the Google Custom Search backend. Registering one is free and can be done on `Google API console`_ page. **Why use it?** Because flinck extract movie titles from filenames to perform its `OMDb`_ queries, having movie name into filename is required. More than that, storing US movie name is required as OMDb won't give result for a query using the original movie name. If you prefer to name your files using the original title, entering a `google_api_key` is thus required to have good results when symlinking. .. _Google API console: .. _OMDb: Attributes options ------------------ You can define a section for each metadata field you want to sort by, with the following options. root ^^^^ Root dirname (or relative path from `link_root_dir`) for this metadata field. Default: the metadata field name. link_format ^^^^^^^^^^^ Naming format used for symlinks. You can use any attribute prefixed by ``%``, ``%field`` being a shortcut that designates the attribute of the current section. Default: ``%title-%field`` dirs ^^^^ Put symlinks into an intermediary directory named after the field value? Default: ``no`` buckets ^^^^^^^ Put symlinks into a parent matching directory if it does exist. Default: ``no`` Any directory defining a matching range (see :ref:`bucket-matching`) is valid ; eg if you create a *[A-D]* directory and activates ``buckets`` in your *genre* section then movies having *Drama* as genre will be symlinked into it. .. _bucket-matching: Bucket matching """"""""""""""" Here are the three possibles syntaxes to use when defining buckets directory. Say you want to split movies into three groups : those having imdb ratings respectively lower/equal/higher than 7.x - **lower bound match** : use the ``+`` suffix to indicate a lower bound. eg *'1+'* directory captures all existing ratings - **substring match** : if tested value starts with directory name, the latter is selected. eg *'7'* directory capture all 7.x ratings - **range match** : use the ``[-]`` to indicate a range. eg *'[8-9]'* captures the 8.x and 9.x ratings When multiple directories match, the one which matches more closely is selected.